Site access is limited ONLY to family, friends, and the significant others of those that have lost their lives during this senseless act of hate. Only one login is allowed per fallen victim. If you are related to the victim, a significant other, or you have been given the authority to act as administrator for the victim's Memorial Page, please use the form below to request site access. Once you have been granted access to the site, you will be able to edit the details of your loved one (birth-date, hobbies, gender, religion, and nickname), add a biography, a message from the family, as well as upload several pictures. All fraudulent attempts to access the victim areas of this website will result in a permanent ban and the blocking of the violator's IP address.

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Your Facebook information is only used to verify your identity.
In most cases we are able to identify you via Facebook. In the event that you cannot be verified, we might need to call you directly for additional information.

Support The Victims

Should you desire to contribute, please visit The City of Orlando’s Official United Pulse Memorial Fund. The Fund’s purpose is to raise funds to be used for the development of a permanent public memorial at the site of the former Pulse nightclub to honor and preserve the legacy of the 49 angels and all of those affected by the tragedy at Pulse in 2016.

Public Memorial

The public is invited to share memories and comments on the Public Memorial about how this terrible tragedy has affected them on a personal level. You may also visit each individual’s Personal Memorial Page to share memories and make comments about any one particular loved one. Please be respectful. All comments are actively monitored and we reserve every right to remove any comments that we feel are disrespectful, depicts hate, or uses inappropriate language.